1Who is it for?
We recommend our highlight edit services for football players from professional leagues worlwide, youth league, college soccer, university leagues, professional and youth futsal leagues. If you don't have full matches we can find it on the football platforms but it doesn't apply to all leagues. Therefore you can send the full matches or clips to make it.
2How can i start it?
You can click on start now and send us your details. We gonna check on our platforf if you have the games or clips avaliable. If you are able we'll get back to you through Whatsapp or email to start it.
3How it works?
Usually we take 15 games with actions to select the best skills into to the platform.
If it's a full matches we select until 7 games to watch and get the greatest clips. You can feel free to choose the games or let us do it. Also you must send 4 good pics to put in the opener and tumbnails.
We watch and put all best actions into to the video preview. After that you are be able
to allow or add/remove some clip. Then we finish the video with opener, songs, tagging with spotlight, final card and tumbnails avaliable to Youtube/VK/Instagram/ and link donwload.
4Can i choose any song outside of the playist?
We don't reccomend it because the famous songs can contend copyright and
take the risk of blocking your video.
5How Long a highlight video should Be?
We consider a good video with duration of 5-8 minutes but it will depends on their best actions in the field
6How long will it take?
Usually the video preview takes 2 business days. And another day to finish with last settings. Therefore it will depends on demand of day-by-day with a possible increase to 4-6 days.
7How can i pay?
We currently accept credit/debit card and Stripe.